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Tree Trimming or Removal Topics

Cost of Tree Trimming and Pruning

Cost of Tree Care Services

Learn more about the cost of different tree services.

Cost of Tree Removal

Emergency Tree Removal Cost

How much does emergency tree removal cost? Learn more about the factors that impact the average price of removing a tree from your yard. Search our cost report to find rates in your local area.

Tree Trimming and Pruning Cost Factors

Cost of Tree Services

Learn more about the factors that increase and decrease the cost of hiring a tree services company.

Tree Stump Removal Topics

#StumpRemoval on Twitter

Find resources related to stump removal on Twitter.

Tree Trimming and Pruning Topics

Tree Trimming vs. Tree Pruning

Learn more about the difference between tree trimming and tree pruning.

#TreeServices on Twitter

Find social media resources related to #TreeServices.

Tree Removal DIY - Do it Yourself

DIY Tree Removal - Danger Ahead

Hiring a professional tree service can be a safer alternative to DIY tree removal. Learn why removing a tree yourself can be a dangerous project. We'll help you weigh the pros and cons.

Tree Stump Removal Terms and Definitions

What is a Stump Grinder?

A stump grinder is a piece of machinery used to remove stumps and the tree's shallow roots from the ground.

Tree Trimming and Pruning Terms and Definitions

What is an Arborist?

An arborist is a trained professional that specializes in the care and maintenance of trees.

Tree Stump Removal - How to Guides

Stump Grinding Video

Watch this video to see how a commercial grade stump grinder works.

How to Remove a Tree Stump

Learn more about different methods for removing tree stumps.

Tree Stump Removal - Questions & Answers

Do Stump Removal Chemicals Work?

Top answer: In some cases

Does potassium nitrate remove stumps?

Top answer: Not sure

Does Stump Grinding Kill the Roots?

Top answer: Yes

How Deep Do Stump Grinders Go?

Top answer: 8-12 inches below grade

How do tree stump removal companies most commonly charge for their services?

Top answer: Fixed fee (based on linear inch of stump diameter)

How Much Does It Cost to Grind a Tree Stump?

How Much Does Stump Grinding Cost?

Protecting Trees and Shrubs from Disease - Questions & Answers

Discolored and wilted leaves may be a sign of tree disease.

Top answer: Tree

Disease may cause tree bark to peel.

Top answer: True

How Much Do Tree Injections Cost?

It is easier to prevent tree disease altogether than to treat the disease once it appears.

Top answer: True

Mature trees should be periodically inspected by a certified arborist.

Top answer: Agree

What is the most common cause of cavities in trunks of trees?

Top answer: Injury to the tree (broken or cut limb)

Tree Trimming and Pruning - Questions & Answers

A Certified Arborist should oversee the treatment of tree disease.

Top answer: True

An emergency tree removal typically costs more than a routine, scheduled tree removal.

Top answer: In most cases

Dead branches that are not removed can be harmful to the overall health of a tree.

Top answer: True

Do I need a permit to remove a dying or diseased tree?

Top answer: It varies by state/jurisdiction.

How difficult is it to obtain the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)'s Certified Arborist certification?

Top answer: Not sure

How difficult it is to become an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist?

Top answer: Not sure / never heard of it

How do tree removal companies most commonly charge for their services?

Top answer: Fixed fee (based on size of tree)

How do tree trimming companies most commonly charge for their services?

Top answer: Fixed fee (based on work required)

How Much Does It Cost to Trim a Tree?

How Much Does Palm Tree Removal Cost?

How Much Does Shrub Removal Cost?

How Much Does Tree Trimming Usually Cost?

How often should fruit trees be pruned?

Top answer: Once a year

How often should trees be trimmed?

Top answer: Once a year

If a permit is required, who is typically responsible for securing a tree removal permit?

Top answer: Tree removal company

If trees are disrupting power lines on my property, will the utility company pay to have the trees trimmed or removed?

Top answer: Sometimes

Is a permit needed to remove a tree that is located on private property?

Top answer: Sometimes

Is cabling a tree an acceptable practice?

Top answer: Yes

Is cleanup typically included in the cost of tree trimming?

Top answer: Yes, always

Is it more expensive to remove a damaged (or fallen) tree than a standing tree?

Top answer: In some cases

Is it more expensive to remove a tree that is located in close proximity to power lines or other utility services?

Top answer: Yes

Is stump removal typically included in the cost of tree removal?

Top answer: No, it is typically an additional cost

Is the chipping or hauling of tree debris typically included in the cost of tree trimming or removal?

Top answer: Always

It is illegal to remove a healthy tree without the proper permit.

Top answer: It varies by state/jurisdiction.

Should I fill a tree cavity with concrete?

Top answer: No

The taller the tree, the more it costs to remove.

Top answer: True

Tree services companies that are accredited by the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) must meet strict criteria.

Top answer: True

What is the best material to put in the cavity of a tree?

Top answer: Best not to fill the cavity

What is your opinion of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)?

Top answer: Favorable

What is your opinion of the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA)?

Top answer: Favorable

When is the best time of year to trim trees?

Top answer: Winter

Will filling a tree cavity extend the life of a tree?

Top answer: Never

Tree or Shrub Consultation - Questions & Answers

Should a certified arborist be consulted before transplanting a tree?

Top answer: In some cases

Tree Removal - Questions & Answers

Do Tree Roots Keep Growing After a Tree is Cut Down?

Top answer: In some cases

How Much Does It Cost to Cut Down a Tree?

How Much Is It to Remove a Tree?

Associations and Designations for Tree Trimming and Pruning

ISA Certified Arborist Credential

Learn more about the Certified Arborist (CA) designation offered by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).

A Guide to the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA)

The American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA) is a professional association of arboricultural consultants.

A Guide to the International Society of Arboriculture

The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) is a non-profit organization and professional association of tree professionals.

A Guide to the Society of Municipal Arborists (SMA)

The Society of Municipal Arborists (SMA) is a professional association of arborists that specialize in the management of trees located in urban areas.

A Guide to the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA)

The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) is a leading professional association representing tree care companies.

A Guide to the Utility Arborist Association

The Utility Arborist Association is a professional association of utility tree maintenance professionals.

Certifications Offered by the International Society of Arboriculture

Learn more about the designations and certifications offered by the International Society of Arboriculture.

Land Clearing Topics

How Much Does Land Clearing Cost Per Acre?

What is a land surveyor?

Related Questions & Answers

Can a septic system be installed during the winter? (temperatures below freezing)

Top answer: Not sure

How many fatalities occur in the tree care industry?

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