Is a permit needed to remove a tree that is located on private property? | Always | 9% | Usually | 6% | Sometimes | 45% | Rarely | 21% | Never | 14% | Not sure | 2% | | | Question: Is a permit needed to remove a tree that is located on private property? Top Answer (45% of 75 votes): Sometimes.
Answer: Sometimes Explanation: Some trees are protected by law. If its in the street planting strip you may need a permit, or you may need to replace it with another approved tree. | TORRISON TREE SERVICE | Answer: Always Explanation: Of course it can be a big issue | Hernandez Tree Service | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: Again depends on where you are and what kind of tree it is. | Desert Oasis Tree Service | | ProMatcher | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: All was call first your township or city | Selena's Landscape, Design & Tree Service, LLC | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: Depending on County and State regulations | Tri- County Lawn & TreeService | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: Depends on jurisdiction/state and home owners association | CMS TREE SERVICES | | ProMatcher | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: Every community has there own set of rules regarding tree removal. | mcintyres tree service | Answer: Rarely Explanation: not in ct | h.c.lawn& fence | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: Different counties have different regulations. In Pasco and Hernando permits are needed to remove trees that are certain widths. | USA Tree Service llc | | ProMatcher |