61832, Danville, Illinois - May 18, 2021
Tree Removal$346.18 - $428.17 fixed fee for standing tree (less than 30 ft) Estimate takes into account labor. It also includes removing a standing tree (20-30 ft tall) from a residential property. Cost estimate excludes permit fees, emergency calls, damaged or diseased trees, trees taller than 30 ft, stump grinding, trees located near power lines, and splitting firewood.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
61832, Danville, Illinois - May 7, 2021
Tree Stump Removal$2.96 - $3.19 per linear inch (diameter of stump) Cost estimate includes stump grinding labor. Includes grinding of stump 6-8 inches below the ground. This estimate does not include minimum service charges, surface roots, discounts for multiple stumps, or travel surcharges.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
61832, Danville, Illinois - August 3, 2018
Protecting Trees and Shrubs from Disease$49.92 - $51.33 per trunk injection Includes the cost of tree disease treatment labor. Price accounts for one trunk injection for average-sized tree (no taller than 30 feet). Items excluded: additional injections, oversized trees, and tree spraying.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
61832, Danville, Illinois - June 25, 2018
Tree Trimming and Pruning$113.42 - $140.48 per hour (two-man crew) Labor is included tree trimming services price. Also includes removing dead or dying branches and limbs from a small or medium-sized tree. Cost does not include trees near power lines, disposal fees, trees greater than 30 ft tall, wood chipping, tree removal, and tree disease treatment.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
61832, Danville, Illinois - June 1, 2018
Land and Lot Clearing$1,093.20 - $2,231.95 per acre Cost includes lot clearing services. Includes removal of small trees, plants, brush, and other organic debris. Items excluded: cutting down large trees, demolishing any structures on the lot, grading land for a home site, removing tree stumps, or applicable dump fees.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |